Friday, May 05, 2006

Will's class

Last night our house was full. Will's class of 13 came to our house for a sleepover. He has an exceptionally sweet group of kids in his class and so his teacher wanted to do something really special as they wind down the school year. It began as soon as school was out with a couple hours of swimming at Faith. After that, everyone piled into our van and Mrs Brooks car and headed over to our house. The kids organized themselves into a game of capture the flag while we waited for pizza to be delivered. After dinner, we watched the original Little House on the Prairie movie from the tv series. The class has just finished reading "Little House in the Big Woods" and studying the American pioneer era. They were sufficiently worn out by this time to fall asleep just after 10. Boys stayed down stairs and the girls stayed in Emily's room.

It was great fun and the kids were all so well behaved. One of the nicest moments of the day came just before bed. He Min (aka Joy), a little girl from Korea, closed our day in prayer. This year, Mrs. Brooks has really encouraged the kids to pray in the language they feel most comfortable using when talking to God. It is good for those who do not speak English as a first language to feel free to pray in class in their "heart language". So Joy ended our day by praying first in Korean and then in English. It was very sweet. I wouldn't normally have 13 kids over to spend the night, but we have loved this class this year. It has been such a good class for Will to be in. He has made some great friends.

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Allan & Ginger Gilmer, Philippine Mission P.O. Box 2035 Antipolo, Rizal 1870 Philippines