Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Rain, flooding and no power

Well here we are again with no power and no internet. When we were looking and praying for a missionary position we looked at many where power was limited or sporadic at best. While we knew the power here could go out, the reality of it has been an adjustment. 10 days ago it began to rain. We had heavy rains almost constantly for over 4 days. This has caused flooding in some of the areas around us. It is a common occurance here and people just begin clean up and move on with life.
During the night of day 3 -Thursday, we also had a severe wind storm. Allan and Will woke up and shut not only the windows on one side of the house like normal, but all the windows because the rain was coming from all sides. This storm knocked out the power which also means we had no water. Thankfully we are able to get reliable drinking water from a spring-fed well at the kids school. Power was restored on Saturday just as we were preparing to turn on the generator. (Scott was out of town and so we were hesitant to do this for the first time with out him) We also have big storage tanks of water on the roof that has water for a few showers and flushing the toilet, but is not drinakble. We also couldn't get this to work. After the power returned the water was a little spoartic for another day, but we were able to catch a few showers under a drizzle and by Sunday we had full water again. Well the rains have continued off and on since that time. We have enjoyed the coolness of the weather. The Filipinos call it cold. We call it nice! Our power has had some trouble though. It has continued to flicker and today is once more off completely leaving us with no water again. While our phone lines are not down. Our dsl has been since last Thursday so we are once again out of touch with what is going on in the world. We are learning where some internet cafes are and can check our email at the school library. I am now at the Santa Lucia mall doing some grocery and hardware shopping.
We knew that life and power and water in the third world is not as reliable as in the US, but actually living with it has been an adjustment for us. Can't wait to see what happens during a Typhoon!

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Allan & Ginger Gilmer, Philippine Mission P.O. Box 2035 Antipolo, Rizal 1870 Philippines