If you've seen the Philippine Mission brochure, you know that one of the goals of our clinic is to train missionaries (both Filipino and other nationalities) in community health and basic primary care. This week we had our first meeting with our upcoming class. We have a very interesting group who share different visions of using this medical training to spread the Gospel. Let me introduce you to our group.
Joey and Narlin are Filipino Southern Baptists who are training to go to Chiang Rai, Thailand which is in the heart of the "Golden Triangle". They will be working as church planters in the remote northern area of Thailand. The location where they will serve is a very strategic area within walking distance of Laos, Burma, and China. This area contains a variety of unreached people groups, many of whom are very difficult to reach with the message of Christ.
Tess is a Filipino church planter. She works with the missionary who first helped Scott begin our clinic. Currently she is using a children's ministry to begin a new church in the squatter area surrounding a river. She will use her skills to help improve the living conditions around their new church. She has over 100 children whom she works with weekly.
Sierra is a MK (missionary kid) who graduated from Faith Academy last year. (Faith Ac. is the school that Emily and Will now attend). Before starting her freshman year in college, she wanted to return to the Philippines to work with a few of the local ministries that are caring for the poor and developing the squatter areas. She plans to work this year with us and then return to the States for college and medical training. After that, she is open to but still undecided about full-time mission service.
Our fifth student, I have yet to meet but I know she is Korean and helps with teaching Bible in the Manila area.
Next Tuesday will be our first lessons. Please pray for me as I am starting this class by myself. Scott is enjoying a long awaited trip to Alaska to spend time with his son who is stationed there with the Air Force. Also pray for our students, the training is packed with information and trying new skills. We are excited about their potential to impact Southeast Asia for Christ which is the very reason this teaching/discipleship exists.
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