We would like to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
When Emily was 5 and Will 3, we began a tradition at Thanksgiving of writing down the things we are thankful for. The first year's list is written on the back of a table runner. I had grand plans to write them on there every year, but, well, the best laid plans.... I look on the back at the first year's list though and I chuckle when I read Will's list of every animal he knows begining with donkeys and elephants. This year I changed it up just a little and I thought we would share what we are thankful for with you. When you read Will's list you will see that the difference between 3 and 8 isn't a lot.
Things we are thankful for:
Allan: a house we could move straight into with out shuffeling from place to place, all the encouraging emails, Pizza Hut (though it's not quite the same), that we get along well with Scott, Cindy, and Ling our supporters who make it possible for us to be here
Ginger: Our new home and the now completed paint project, Vonage and the ability to talk to family and friends often without costing a fortune, The Nelsens- who have befriended us and made our transition easier
Emily: Faith Academy, Our pet Bunny-Swirl
Will: Bonnie- the Nelsen's dog, School, new friends
Things we miss from the US:
Allan: Driving on orderly and well maintained roads, fresh milk!, good steak and beef, the ability to talk to people where I don't sound like a 2 year old or need an interpreter
Ginger: Being with family for the holidays, or anyday!, the lake house, fall, and cool weather
Emily: Mimi, Pop, Nana, Gramps, Laura, Beth, Aunt Chris and Uncle Tray
"That's basically the only thing I miss...people"
Will: old friends, and the dress up clothes I had to leave in the US. (mom's note: which were to small anyway!)