Monday, April 09, 2007

Clinic additions

Ginger has been so faithful to post about our family and personal experiences during the past few months. I, however, have been completely remiss in posting about the clinic and our ministry. A project that I have been working on for some months is expanding the clinic's capabilities and organization. We have been so fortunate to receive modern supplies and equipment. To put this new equipment into daily use required some rearranging and additions to our clinic.

Here is what we started with ...

While incorporating the new equipment, we tried to improve the overall "flow" to place our most used medicines and supplies in easily accessible areas. To do this we first disassembled most of the supplies and grouped items by category and frequency of use. Emily was a big help during her school breaks. She cleaned some of the dirty equipment and helped sort and re-package medicines.

Then I designed a set of cabinets that allowed some of our emergency and surgical supplies to be near the patient treatment area. These cabinets were custom built by another ministry that trains Filipinos in cabinetry and woodworking.

Then came the task of reassembling the clinic.
Our EKG now sits on a slide-out tray (shown covered here) which allows quick and easy access to the patient laying on the exam table.

Ginger help fill the cabinets with our new "kits". The plan was that each kit would be used for a certain event, such as IV starts, suturing, eye exam, minor surgery, wound dressing. It is a work in progress and as we try new things our plans and layout should be able to adapt easily.

We also converted an old hospital medicine cart into a new "crash cart" which contains alot of our emergency medicines, a new cardiac monitor and defibrillator , IV supplies and portable oxygen.

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About Us

Allan & Ginger Gilmer, Philippine Mission P.O. Box 2035 Antipolo, Rizal 1870 Philippines